Inverters are a necessity in every household and business complex not only to comply with the electrical standards in your local area but also to control the power that is being delivered by converting direct current to alternating current. DC was prominently used in the late 1800s, but it was discovered that AC is a better alternative because they are safer for us and electronics. In this article, I will share with you information on the purpose of solar inverters, and how they work to better understand how they can provide you the advantages when it comes to cleaner energy and helping you save money on electricity expenses.
What is a Solar Inverter and Its General Purpose?
Before we resume and know how solar inverters work, it is imperative that we discuss their nature first to have a full appreciation of the equipment. As it implies, solar inverters are part of a solar technology that includes a power bank, set of solar panels, blocking diodes, switching control boards, etc. Unlike a standard inverter, the energy that passes through it doesn’t come from the grid. Instead, it harnesses energy from direct exposure to sunlight. The grid lines produce a high level of electrical current compared to solar energy which is why we have two different inverters for the said power sources.
How Solar Inverters Work?
In layman’s terms, solar inverters function by receiving a wave of direct current from the solar panels. Direct current or DC is raw energy as it is directly delivered. As a result, they have higher voltages that are more hazardous and likely to cause harm to your appliances and other electronic devices. In general, inverters convert DC to 120v/240v alternating current which is the standard guideline around the globe including South Africa. It is also the same mechanics at work in solar inverters. Although the amount of voltage isn’t as high compared to those produced in the grid, it still generates direct current that needs to be converted to alternating current.
The photovoltaic panels of solar technology harness UV rays when it is directly exposed to the sun. Solar energy is not usable at this point and it is accumulated and stored first in the power bank of the equipment. It then passes through the inverters as soon as you turn them on and provides sustainable electricity to your home or place of business. The solar panels are equipped with semiconductor pans that are made of crystalline silicon. Furthermore, the said pans are a combination of negative and positive cells that are linked to a component that captures the energy of the sun’s rays.
The UV rays, as a result, cause the electrons to move around and bump each other which is catapulted by the set of batteries. Afterward, the energy goes through the solar inverters and is stored in a power bank. The energy is accumulated over the periods in the power bank. And the equipment stops storing energy as soon as it hits its maximum capacity.
Final Thoughts
Solar inverters are a basic part of solar technology, and they need to be included in the setup since global standards require every household and business, so to speak. In addition to complying with local authorities, it is an important component of the solar equipment as it converts direct current to alternating current which is more reliable and less prone to physical injuries and damages to the electronics. Fortunately, most solar system inverter price is budget-friendly and you can find a good brand without having to break the bank.