As if the trouble of going through painful inflammations and making the skin look unattractive is not enough, acne does not fail to further disappoint when it leaves marks and scars on the skin after it is cured. Many people turn to acne scars removal treatments that can be easily done at home for convenience and ease on the pocket, but can these remedies effectively lighten acne scars and improve the skin’s appearance? Read on to find out.
Types of Acne Scars
Before we analyze the effectiveness of acne scar removal treatments done at home, it is important that we know and get an understanding of the various types of acne scars as they differ in shapes and sizes.
The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) identifies three main types of scars:
- Depressed acne scars
- Raised acne scars
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)
Depressed acne scars include:
- Boxcar scars – These are scars that appear as oval-shaped or round indentations in the skin. Boxcar scars are a bit wider than ice pick scars in measurement, but their width does not go beyond the size of rolling scars.
- Ice pick scars – Ice pick scars appear have tiny openings in the surface of the skin, but they go narrow and deep into the skin. Ice pick scars are the most common among all the acne scars.
- Rolling scars – This type of acne scar does not have a very defined and sharp edge, but a sloping one that makes the skin look wavy. It can also be characterized by its wide and narrow appearance.
Raised acne scars include:
- Hypertrophic scars – This type of a raised scar develops and is contained only within the area where the skin has been injured. Hypertrophic scars are lumps of skin that may be pink to red in color. They are commonly found on the back, chest, or jaw area and may appear after a month of two following the disappearance of an acne breakout.
- Keloid scars – Keloid scars are similar to hypertrophic scars in a sense that they form as firm limps of tissue in the skin. The difference is that kelois scars grow beyond the area of the acne breakout as opposed to hypertrophic scars that only develops within the area where the acne was previously present. Keloids can appear anytime between three to 12 months following the time that the acne breakout has cleared.
- Papular scars – Papular scars are tiny skin-colored bumps that are slightly raised and are about 3-4mm in measurement. They usually appear on the back, chin, and nose.
At-home acne scar removal treatments
Searching for acne scar removal treatments that can be done at home will yield many results. From plant-based oils, fruit peels, to over-the-counter topical creams, and oral medications, the list could go on. While these may be a cost-effective choice if you are strapped for cash and a re desperate to banish those pesky skin flaws, taking this alternative instead of seeing a professional to take care of your acne scars can be problematic. Here are some reasons why:
1 Inadequacy of scientific evidence
Science cannot prove the effectiveness of a majority of natural home remedies for acne scars as there are not enough studies done on them.
2 Complications and risks are high
Without the guidance of a medical professional, your attempt to clear your skin from acne scars could take a turn for the worse. You may think that plant-based cures are harmless and safe since they are natural, but you cannot always predict how your skin will react to its components. You may end up being allergic to one ingredient, which can cause irritation to your skin and add more damage to it.
3 There is no one-size-fits all treatment for acne scars
The truth is, even with procedures done in the clinic, there is no treatment available that can remove all types of acne scars at once. As we have previously discussed, there are several types of acne scars and each type only responds positively to certain procedures. Some natural home remedies, like those with Vitamin C, may help lighten acne scars caused by post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, but they will not be able to even out the depressions in the skin.
What is the best treatment for acne scar removal in Singapore?
Your first step to finding the best treatment for acne scar removal in Singapore is to book a consultation with a skin clinic that is an expert on this area, such as the Bay Aesthetics Clinic and Medispa.
Bay Aesthetics Clinic and Medispa offers various treatments for acne scars. Prior to giving out recommendations for your acne removal treatment, experts at Bay Aesthetics Clinic and Medispa will thoroughly assess your skin’s concerns and needs. Once this is done, you will receive a personalized treatment plan to ensure that your skin goals effectively and safely.
Your customised treatment plan may be a combination of any of the following treatments:
- Fillers – Dermal fillers are effective for boxcar scars and rolling scars.
- Laser resurfacing – Laser resurfacing is effective for improving the texture and appearance of raised scars. This treatment may also work on shallow acne scars as it works to peel off the topmost later of the skin in order to resurface the fresh skin underneath.
- Radiofrequency microneedling – Microneedling involves poking the skin surrounding the scar with tiny needles which triggers the body to produce collagen. The production of new collagen improves the appearance of atrophic scars by making the surface of the skin even.
- Topical treatments – Topical treatments have active ingredients that help make the appearance of the skin better by exfoliating it and stimulating the production of fresh collagen. The common ingredients used are Vitamin C, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and retinoids.
- Surgical procedure – Surgery is particularly recommended for severe acne scars. Subcision and punch excision are the usual surgical procedures recommended by experts.
Can acne scars be prevented?
Acne scars can definitely be prevented. Here are some tips to follow:
1 Avoid popping, picking, or squeezing acne
If you think that popping, picking or squeezing acne can clear them out quickly, then you are wrong. Doing so can only spread the bacteria to other parts of your face, which can cause even more breakouts. Popping, picking, or squeezing them only brings damage to the skin, which can result in scarring.
2 Do not touch your acne
Touching your acne can aggravate its condition, especially when your hands are unclean. When your acne worsens, you can expect scarring to develop once it heals.
3 Seek professional help for acne breakouts
Acne breakouts can be overwhelming and figuring out a treatment that would work effectively to clear them can be overwhelming. It is best to seek professional help to get them treated, so they do not worsen. Having a professional treat your acne can highly prevent scars from developing.
Bay Aesthetics Clinic and Medispa
B2-12 Marina Bay Link Mall, 8A Marina Boulevard,
Marina Bay Financial Center, Singapore 018984
+65 8428 7811
+65 6509 1966