Following weeks of scheduling appointments, thorough consultation and fittings, you have now secured new dentures from your Canberra dentist. There are noticeable changes to the way you look and smile. In fact, with all your teeth in place, your face appears brighter and more balanced. But while dentures are functional replacements for extracted teeth, using them can be challenging for first-timers. It takes some getting used to before you feel more comfortable eating with synthetic teeth.
If you’re still uncomfortable with your dentures, here are some helpful tips to consider:
1. Take your time
The first few days are often painful, particularly for those that underwent dental implant surgery. However, even removable dentures can be difficult during the first few days of use. It’s better to follow a liquid diet consisting of soft foods like porridge, oatmeal, soup and pudding if eating seems impossible. Do not force yourself to chew when you’re still in the discomfort stage lest you injure your gums, which will be quite sensitive for some time. Slowly switch to solid food only after your recovery has been guaranteed.
2. Chew on both sides of the mouth
Many people prefer one side of their mouth over the other when they chew food. If you wear dentures or have dental implants, not chewing on both sides could affect the alignment of the prosthetics. That is why, when given the clearance to eat solid foods again, always use both sides of your mouth and chew softly. Your dentures will not likely to experience problems and retain their stability several years down the line. Do this everyday during meal times until it becomes an everyday habit.
3. Avoid hot foods
After a dental implant surgery or wearing dentures for the first time, parts of your teeth will be extremely sensitive to hot foods. Soup, coffee and hot choco lovers should pour in a bit of cold or lukewarm water to tone down the temperature. Since it has not been long since you got your dentures, exercise caution with your choice of liquid. You also have the option to let soup or a hot drink naturally cool down. Sipping or blowing on it is also helpful.
4. Do not eat tough and sticky foods
Say goodbye to barbecue, burgers and other meat-based products that are difficult to chew with dentures. Foods that easily stick to your teeth and gums such as dried fruits and candies are likewise prohibited. Removing sticky debris from newly installed implants or removable dentures and then subsequently cleaning them can be taxing. If you must eat meat or any tough food, make sure it’s stewed, turbo boiled or cooked for several hours until tender. For your convenience, since cooking does take time, go for other protein sources like fish, eggs, and tofu.
5. Mince your food
With the chewing process being slow in the first few days, it’s best to cut your food into tiny pieces. In this way, your teeth and gums need not exert extra effort and you can easily digest the food without further discomfort. Throughout your adjustment period, pay attention to your comfort levels and avoid biting off more than you chew.
Be patient. You will get used to your new dentures or implants in a matter of a few weeks. Just mind and prioritise your own comfort while you’re still adjusting with the changes. Eventually, the dentures will fit nicely into your daily routine. What’s a few days of discomfort compared to enjoying functional teeth? If issues persist, consult a reputable Canberra dentist to ensure your dentures fit perfectly.